Our Transition Support Programme is an effective and engaging solution to the challenges year 7 transition can bring. Packed with exciting activities and meaningful tasks, our Transition Support Programme gives every year 7 student starting in September access to vital wellbeing support that enriches and empowers them as they transition into secondary school.
Positive Behaviour and Emotional Wellbeing -
Trial Student Workbook
Programme Benefits

Ready to
A fully planned resource that is ready to run

Support year 7 wellbeing across the whole year group

Interactive Learning
A fun way for year 7 to explore their transition to secondary school

Summer School Ready
Can be run as part of your planned summer school
A Closer Look at the Programme
This programme comes with a full workbook, 10 interactive lessons that help to keep learning structured and meaningful and a selection of evaluative documents, which can be used to monitor and track progress over the course of the programme.
Each of our programmes comes with a selection of student workbooks. Our exciting workbooks allow student to keep track of their learning as they take part in the programme. These workbooks are packed full of engaging, meaningful tasks that help students manage their emotions in a way that is comfortable and fun. Each week, students will also record their check-in and their targets for the week, allowing them to use their workbook as a way of keeping track of their goals and their accomplishments.
Student Workbooks
Interactive Lessons
Our interactive lessons are what ties our programmes together. These lessons will run on the board each week, allowing facilitators to deliver lesson with ease and ensuring that structured learning is always being complete. These exciting interactive lessons are packed full of meaningful games and tasks, a wealth of activities that are designed to support students as they discover more about themselves and a series of tools that help keep the learning fun and, when needed, differentiated for learners with a lower ability.
Our facilitator handbook makes delivering our programmes a breeze. Each lesson is broken down into a comprehensive lesson plan, which outlines leaning objectives, potential barriers to learning, links to academia, AFL strategies and answers to games. To make life even easier for our facilitators, we have also included an activity summary for each lesson, so that an overview can easily be obtained and used to run a fantastic lesson of wellbeing support. This facilitator handbook will help guide new facilitators as they deliver the programme, allowing them to focus on supporting the students.
Facilitator Handbook

Monitoring and Tracking
To make learning even more impactful, each of our programmes comes with a suite of documents that help schools prepare, setup and monitor progress of each individual student that takes part. We provide referral forms, parental consent letters, session evaluation forms, questionnaires and a tracking system that allows staff to see, at a glance, the progress made by each student over the course of the programme. These documents can be kept on the students records, to provide a comprehensive breakdown of the support that each students has received through one of our programmes.

Each of our programmes comes with a selection of student workbooks. Our exciting workbooks allow student to keep track of their learning as they take part in the programme. These workbooks are packed full of engaging, meaningful tasks that help students manage their emotions in a way that is comfortable and fun. Each week, students will also record their check-in and their targets for the week, allowing them to use their workbook as a way of keeping track of their goals and their accomplishments.
Student Workbooks
A Flexible Solution
Our Year 7 Transition Support Programme is designed so that it can be delivered in many ways. This flexibility allows schools to adapt the programme to their school day, making it even easier to implement the support into an existing timetable.
Run this programme...

...as part of your summer school
With a strong focus on preparing young people for secondary school, this programme is perfect to fill a gap in your summer school timetable.

...in smaller chunks during tutor time
Each lesson is designed to allow schools to break learning down into smaller chunks, which can then be delivered throughout the term during tutor time

...as part of the year 7 PSHE curriculum
With each lesson offering a wealth of content and activities, this programme is perfect to compliment existing PSHE curriculums for the new year 7 cohort

14 Day Free Trial
To allow schools the chance to explore the fantastic lessons that are part of the Transition Support Programme, we have setup a 14-day free trial for the first three sessions of the programme. If you would like to access this trial, or if you have any other questions, please use the contact form below to send us a message and someone from our team will be with you shortly.
To help prepare staff to run the Transition Support Programme, we have a library of how-to training videos that guides new staff through the setting up and delivery of the programme

Interactive Sessions
Our interactive session are what ties our programmes together. These session will run on the board each week, allowing facilitators to deliver session with ease and ensuring that structured learning is always being complete. These exciting interactive sessions are packed full of meaningful games and tasks, a wealth of activities that are designed to support students as they discover more about themselves and a series of tools that help keep the learning fun and, when needed, differentiated for learners with a lower ability.
Our facilitator handbook makes delivering our programmes a breeze. Each session is broken down into a comprehensive session plan, which outlines leaning objectives, potential barriers to learning, links to academia, AFL strategies and answers to games. To make life even easier for our facilitators, we have also included an activity summary for each session, so that an overview can easily be obtained and used to run a fantastic session of wellbeing support. This facilitator handbook will help guide new facilitators as they deliver the programme, allowing them to focus on supporting the students.
Facilitator Handbook

Monitoring and Tracking
To make learning even more impactful, each of our programmes comes with a suite of documents that help schools prepare, setup and monitor progress of each individual student that takes part. We provide referral forms, parental consent letters, session evaluation forms, questionnaires and a tracking system that allows staff to see, at a glance, the progress made by each student over the course of the programme. These documents can be kept on the students records, to provide a comprehensive breakdown of the support that each students has received through one of our programmes.

A Comprehensive Solution
To find out more about the lessons that make up our Transition Support Programme, please watch the following video, which will provide everything you need to know about this powerful programme of wellbeing support.